On Sat, 20 Mar 2004 09:14:15 +0000, mr.sumo.snr wrote:

> Yeah...like...as was indicated to the guy the other week who was permitting
> his children to be abused and asked us for some 'objective' advice: if the
> children's passports are locked up in a bank safe deposit box or placed in
> the hands of an attorney or even just a trusted friend or relative then it's
> pretty difficult to abduct a child out of the country.  In that specific
> case in was the USA - I don't know what their laws are regarding children's
> passports - I would imagine similar to the UK.

In the US, you now have to appear *in person* - *both* parents *with* the
child to apply for the poor kid's passport.  A real pain, IMHO.


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