Re: Schools in Japan
On Mon, 16 Feb 2004 12:22:03 +0000, Murgi wrote:
>> If it's possible, what sort of visa do the kids and parents have to have?
> It's possible... but do your kids speak Japanese?
Not yet, but they will be in a Japanese immersion school shortly, so they
should be fluent in a year or so.
> If not, there IS a problem. And if the kids are small and unable to
> communicate, they might be prone to being bullied....
Yeah, didn't think of that.
> They need to be able to read Japanese also (no good for somebody who has
> missed some years of Japanese school and can't read a word).
Well, since they're 3 and 6, reading is not much of an issue yet. The
older one recognizes some hiragana and katakana, and can speak some very
basic Japanese. I'd say, though, that if we wait until much later, the
learning curve will be too steep.
> Sigi
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