ANN: Deepsky Astronomy Software On Sale

Why spend over $200 on some astronomy software when you can buy the best at
a fraction of the price? I strive to provide the best support of any
astronomy software out there. You can actually contact me, the person who
wrote the software, by email or telephone. See why many of our customers
can't believe the value they get when they purchase my software.

For a limited time I have all 3 versions of Deepsky on sale now. You can
save $10 when you purchase the download or dvd version. Pocket Deepsky 2
also comes free when you purchase any of my three Deepsky versions.

Download version $29.99
CD ROM version $49.99
DVD version $69.99


* DVD version has 410,000+ Images of Deepsky Objects
* CD has 11,000 Images of Deepsky Objects
* Searchable and Filterable Spreadsheet Database of 708,000 Deepsky Objects
* Interactive Star Charts with Stars to Magnitude 15.5 !
* 18 Million Stars - HGSC ver 1.3
* Super Tycho Star Catalog
* Observer's Logbook (New and totally redesigned)
* Observing Planner
* Integration With Cartes du Ciel software
* Sync your PC to an Internet Time Server
* 4,000 Observations from other Observers
* What's Up Wizard
* ASCOM Telescope Support
* Telescope Slide Show (Tour) Feature
* Image Processing
* Solar System Information
* Link to Digital Sky Survey & Skyrover Sketches
* Query, Reports, Herschel List, Messier Lists
* Finder Charts

DAS includes support for Many GOTO telescopes including Nexstar 5/8, GPS,
114 GT,
Ultima 2000, LX200, LX200GPS, Autostar based scopes, Astro-Physics 1200 GTO,
ACP2,ACL-based telescopes (Comsoft PC-TCS, OGS, DFM, many research grade