Life after death, truth or not?
Have you ever wondered what happens when you die, do you just cease to exist
or does something else happen to you? I was looking on the WWW for related
topics and came across this very interesting recollecting of a fellow that
dies and comes back again from that other dimension.I immediately put in an
order for the book in PDF format and was just moved in his recounting of it
all. I think any skeptics out there or believers in this theory will do
themselves a huge service by acquiring this book. As it says in the critique
of this manuscript, the last chapter in which he surmises the meaning of
life eloquently, although, ever so controversial made me reconsider so many
things in my life and the world around me. I have to add that I think he's
telling the truth in that short story. By the way, I emailed him the other
day and have to say what a nice guy he really is and he answered all the
questions I could throw at him, such a humble man. You can find the web site
for this story here:
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