"Wayne Farmer" <usenet@endymionsystems.com> ha scritto nel messaggio
> How does what she says at the end of EoE compare to what Shinji says about
> himself earlier after he orgasms while viewing the unconscious Asuka?  Is
> the Japanese similar?

What Shinji says is different. I can't write it in japanese, but it sound
different and it's translated "I'm so disgusting".

> If so, then it would be yet another echo of the dominant emotion expressed
> by Shinji towards himself throughout the series:  "You're so
> pathetic/disgusting, that you make me sick."  If so, then the final
> statement at EoE is saying that Shinji hasn't changed at all; he still
> himself.

However I think the emotion of Shinji are the same you've expressed.
(sorry for my poor english)
