Al (call me Al) wrote:
> Hallvard Tangeraas <> wrote:
>> Are foreigners generally treated differently and/or badly than their
>> Japanese co-workers?
> Hello,
> one of the most interesting things one can learn in Japan is that
> "every situation is different". Much of what one hears about the
> situation of "foreigners" in Japan seems to me the result of too much
> navel gazing on part of those "foreigners". When i think of Ryan or
> Declan, the last thing that comes to mind is "foreign", and i don't
> think the people they associate with spend much time thinking about
> it either. Once you are familiar with the reality you live in and
> have made it your own - and part of that is to make the language your
> own - then you are obviously no longer foreign, and what should it
> matter what some (other) people think or write about that?

What an eminently sensible post. Do you realize you are posting to