Use the link TC posted, like he said it doesn't have your specific model, 
but just glance at a few to learn your way around Toshiba laptops and you'll 
be fine.  I starting replacing entire screens on Gateways and all I had done 
was tinker with my Toshiba.  If you're comfortable tearing a Dell apart you 
should do fine, just be gentle with the Toshiba and find your way around. 
The inverter is just sitting there behind the LCD so you don't need to delve 
under the keyboard where it gets tricky.  In my opinion screen troubles are 
the easiest to fix hardware wise on a laptop, I'd rather tinker with those 
than have lift the keyboard and dig.

<> wrote in message
> The screen on my Toshiba Satellite 1405-S151 PS140U-027XFX Laptop has
> been out for a year or so.  Since my wife uses it as a desktop, I've
> got a monitor hooked up to it and and that's working OK.
> She's getting a new computer and I want to try to fix the Toshiba's
> lcd screen.  Acutally I don't think there is anything wrong with the
> screen, just a connection burned out or loose maybe???
> I've torn into Dell laptops with success but haven't (and won't) go
> into the Toshiba till I get her up and running with the new computer.
> Question:
> 1. Is this a possibly easy fix?
> 2. is there a 'how to' website?
>                                   Please post reply in this group.
> Regards, (and thanks)
> Ron