Re: Immigration rant: Narita vs. Chubu
We sadly announce the death of Jim Breen on Tue, 22 Jan 2008 19:53:12 +1100
after being stricken by Disease. The will states:
>The 2-Belo wrote:
>> Japan is the only country I've ever entered where
>> residents were forced to wait in line with temporary visitors.
>FWIW, the UK is the same. If you don't have a UK or EU passport, it's
>residence/shmesidence - into the same queue as the (non-EU) tourists.
>Come to think of it - we only have two sets of queues - Australian
>passport-holders and the rest.
I just learned that from someone else. I still think it's stupid, especially
since a) it used to be more lenient, and b) they pile the anti-terrorist
fingerprinting crap on top of it.
>To be frank, I never knew residents used to be able to go through the
>nihonjin line. I could have done it when I was a resident.
It was that way all the way up until 2007, when they tightened the noose. I used
to extract great enjoyment from pwn1ng the immigration guys who tried to herd me
away from the Japanese lines, with a curt "再入国です". Now that era is gone.
The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
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