Caught on Video! - all dive related
The new Underwater Dive Video & Photo
magazine has a user feature where divers can create their own underwater
& dive travel related video & photo albums and even upload video clips,
whether they be uploaded directly or you can make your Youtube, Google,
Myspace and MetaCafe videos appear inline to a post without needing to
do any uploading.
Some of the more popular "Caught on Video" clips are:
1. The Coconut Octopus which rolls up into a ball and walks bipedally
with two of its tentacles just like an upright human.
2. Divers in the Bahamas playing with Dolphins, scratching their bellies
and one divers kisses a smiling Dolphin right on the lips (and even on
the 1st date!)
3. A graphic one where a Moray eel bites off a divers thumb-look what
they surgically put on in place of his thumb-it's a real freak show.
4. A video of a nutcase freediver without a cage riding a huge Great
White Shark-watch what happens when the shark goes in for the chomp.
:) Sarah
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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