Re: gifts for Japanese
On 11 Sep 2004 07:09:12 GMT, brought down from
the Mount tablets inscribed:
>Apud Dale Walker <> (sci.lang.japan) hoc legimus:
>>In the UK, 'Asian' is reserved for south asian peoples like those from
>>India and the other more easterly asians are all more often than not
>>called 'oriental' unless they're often mistakenly just called
>>'Chinese' which from my experience significantly pisses off more non
>>chinese asians than anythnig else I can think of.
>I was chatting (in Tokyo) with a visiting Pommgolian academic about their
>odd use of the term "Asian", when to us Asia means China, Japan, etc.
>"Well, why don't you call it `The Far East' like we do?" he asked. I
>did a ritual ROTFL, and explained that it's a tad difficult to call a
>place that is actually North-West of you "the Far East". He seemed
>surprised we didn't use Europe as a reference point for our placing
That always baffled me too. I sorta thought it was all Far West.
Michael Cash
"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."
Dr. Howard Sprague
Dean of Admissions
Mount Pilot College
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