On 29 Jun 2004 10:05:58 -0700, mikehobson111@hotmail.com (Mike Hobson)

>"Ryan Ginstrom" <ginstrom@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:<2kcjvmFl7tjU1@uni-berlin.de>...
>> Mike Hobson wrote:
>> > Oh, that hurts. Not. The impotent Shikoku-residing parks-operating
>> Jeez, if this guy turns out to be a stalker I'll regret homing him into the
>> island of Raj's residence.

>> Sorry 'bout that, Raj.

>Don't worry, Ryan. I wouldn't stalk a creature of uncertain gender
>even if I were drunk. The chastity -- both physical and mental -- of
>your pal seems to be untouched by any danger, other than the one posed
>by, er, his own hand.

Mike, I'm not going to love no matter how hard you try.

Please get help.
