Hi, do you love to travel,
For people who love to travel, I know of no betterway to enjoy cheaper and
less stressfull travel than joining Cash Card Worldwide. Those wishing to
take up this exciting and rewarding business opportunity will be purchasing
a K & E Travel Card through Cash Card Worldwide. For those not in the know,
K & E are one of the biggest travel agents and cruise companies in the USA..
The purchase of this Travel Card registers the owner as an Associate Travel
Agent with K & E, allowing him/her to enjoy all the perks that travel agents
enjoy within the travel industry. Such benefits can include discounts and
courtesy upgrades on flights, hotel rooms and car hire etc. The free
persoalised Travel Website, and search engine that Associates are given,
allows them to book holidays and travel arrangements for themselves, family
and friends or whoever and to be paid commissionson those bookings.
Such commissions are only 1 of 7 streams of income that may be generated
with Cash Card Worldwide. These include residual income benefits, so that
you can still be earning money while you travel the world, savouring it's
many delights and soaking up the sun. All monies, commissions and bonuses
are paid direct, through a Bank of America Cash Card, on either a weekly or
monthly basis acording to the type of income or bonus earned. Cash Card
Worldwide is the only MLM company in the world to have this arrangement with
the Bank of America. This Cash Card means that anywhere in the world you
only have to visit a local ATM to draw out cash in the local currency (
providing of course that you have the cash in your Bank of America
account ).
Travel companies who are linked into Cash Card Worldwide include My Travel,
Thomsons, Portland, Thomas Cook, Air France , Lunn Poly and KLM to name but
a few, and new companies are coming on board all the time. The site has
search engines for European Travel, Travel Asia and South African Travel as
well as others.
This is a Global Business and we are currently operating in over 130
countries world wide.
If you would like to check out the Travel Site please go to
Should you want to join this rapidly expanding business or check out any of
the above then please go to this will take you to my
Cash Solutions Group website. This is the business site for Cash Card
Worldwide and if you take the free test drive, it will open your eyes to the
opportunity on offer, or alternatively watch the Cash Solutions Group Movie
at Feel free to mail me with any
questions you may have.
Happy Traveling,
DTI Disclaimer
Cash Card Worldwide is located at 235W. BrandonBlvd #243, Brandon, Florida.
- The company offers products in the travel related industry.
-it is illegal for a promoter or participant in a trading scheme to persuade
anyone to make payment by promisingbenefits from getting other people
to join a trading scheme.
-Do not be misled by claims that high earnings can be easily achieved
cash2travel Brian Charlton Travel Associate Cash2Travel tel: (00) 44 01782 417887 Signature powered by Plaxo
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