Jim Breen <jimbreen@gmail.com> wrote:
> Travers Naran wrote:
>> I'm suspecting ESL teachers get the raw deal 
> Yes, but they're not alone. When it come to the food-chain of
> gaigins-living-in-Japan, ESL teachers, especially those employed
> by shonky outfits like NOVA, are close to the bottom.

It's frightening to think of anyone living lower than NOVA teachers.
I've read web pages posted by ex-NOVA teachers that make their lives
sound less appealing that an illegal hostess bar worker.

>> and everyone else are treated more humanely.
> Er, no. Japanese society has a lot of people who are treated badly.

I did try to use a relative comparison. :-)

But I meant compared to the Japanese.  If you are a fluent Japanese-speaking
gaijin, how much worse are you treated compared to the native Japanese?

Travers Naran: P/T Meddler in Time & Space, F/T Programmer
"Welcome to RAAM. Hope you can take a beating..."
    -- E.L.L.