Dear Colleagues,

We are going on publishing the 5th volume of works of our laboratory
with the paper

" On transverse Doppler effect in classical formalism "


On the basis of complete solution of Doppler shift of frequency
received by moving receiver, noting non-central motion of receiver as
to the source, we compare the properties of longitudinal and
transverse Doppler effect predicted by classical and relativistic
formalism. We show that complete statement of problem predicts the
transverse Doppler effect in frames of classical formalism, but its
properties considerably differ from relativistic predictions. In
particular, the sign of effect predicted by classical conception is
opposite to that relativistic. While just the classical approach is
most fully consistent with the phenomenology of effect, while the
relativistic approach is essentially problematic both in description
of phenomenon and in consistency of functional regularity with the
properties of transverse Doppler effect. We show that the main
difficulty being the underpinning of relativistic interpretation is
Fitzgerald hypothesis on whose basis have been built both Lorentz
theory and Einstein's conception of constant speed of light in all
inertial reference frames.

As many colleagues directly or indirectly operate with the concept of
Doppler effect, we are hoping, it will be important for themselves to
understand that in reality this effect is much more complicated. This
can considerably improve the conventional idea of Doppler effect
revelations. Enjoy reading 
Best to you all,
Sergey B. Karavashkin

Head Laboratory SELF
187 apt., 38 bldg.
Prospect Gagarina
Kharkov 61140

Phone: +38 (057) 73706624
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