Re: Tired of Nihon.
We sadly announce the death of Declan Murphy on Sun, 2 Dec 2007 21:12:29 -0800
(PST) after being stricken by Disease. The will states:
>When I first came to Japan I remember one bloke who joined the company
>at the same time as me and was going through the 6 week induction
>course. He was a newly married guy with a Masters in Economics (from a
>reasonably good Nth Meriken Uni) and fluent English. Naturally after
>the induction training the company HR department sent him to Niigata.
>He was allocated company accommodation, and requested permission for
>his wife to join him. Permission was denied of course, "maybe next
>year". He requested permission to move out of company accommodation
>into a privately rented apartment so that his wife could join him, and
>this was also denied. He promptly resigned. Everyone the resignation
>was very odd and petulant.
Some corporations (especially the larger, more bureaucratic ones) really are
almost military in their operations. Wives are "drags", distractions, efficiency
destroyers. They don't allow wives in military barracks; so they wouldn't at
militaristic companies.
The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
All-Seeing All-Knowing Glorious Emperor for Life, Meow [Ret.]
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