The description of a infrared filter at an on-line store said that CCD's 
were sensitive to infrared,
but some manufacturers put filters that stop infrared in the camera.

So I asked Canon support if the A95 could be used with an infrared 
filter to take infrared pics.
they replied:

Thank you for contacting Canon product support.  We value you as a Canon
customer and appreciate the opportunity to assist you.

Since the PowerShot A95 is not supported being used with an infrared 
filter, we cannot guarantee or confirm how it will work.  You'll need to
try it and see how it turns out.

Thank you for choosing Canon.


Technical Support Representative

--gee, thanks for helping!-- i still don't know the answer...
anyone in this group know if the A95 is sensitive to infrared?
any knowledge as to any specific digital camera that is, or is not, 
sensitive to infrared?
anyone have an infrared filter and can give it a try with their digital 

Thanks in advance,