On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 06:58:47 +0900, matt@gol.com (Matthew Endo) wrote:

>Raj Feridun <rferid@NOSPAMyahoo.co.jp> wrote:
>> I'll have to try that one. Meanwhile I've been using Mozilla Firebird
>> 0.7 as my default browser. I can't imagine anything much faster and
>> it's got it's own popup killer and of course neato tabbed browsing.

>The coolest thing is that plugin that shows the English translation of
>the kanji or Japanese word you mouse over.

Do you mean PopJisyo? http://www.popjisyo.com/WebHint/Portal_e.aspx

That works with almost any browser though. Or is there something else
new and cool that I'm missing? Do tell.