On Tue, 06 Jul 2004 09:50:49 +0900, Ernest Schaal
<eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp> wrote:

>in article torje0tg55720enrbnnkan013a4dqlgqn0@4ax.com, Raj Feridun at
>rferid@NOSPAMyahoo.co.jp wrote on 7/6/04 9:21 AM:

>> Perhaps you actually live in the USA? That position would be as easy
>> for me to take as you if I did as well. I live in Japan, however, and
>> must admit that for certain TV shows, etc that I cannot watch here in
>> Japan I am guilty of obtaining some episodes via the Internet.

>> A good example is The Sopranos. I watched every episode of Season 5
>> this year within a day or two of its actual broadcast by downloading
>> it from the newsgroups.
>> Not that it is any justification but I also buy the DVD box set for
>> every single season once it is released in the USA. I'm not defending
>> it's "legality" so before anyone tries to lecture me be advised.
>> Raj

>Just because you can doesn't mean that you should.

Isn't it an interesting phenomenon that in so many cases those who
scream the loudest about morals in others tend to be the most immoral
themselves? (televangelists, conservative politicians with sex
scandals, bombers of abortion clinics, etc.) 

That said I'm certain you're the rare exception.

>I realize that you miss some programs from the States, I miss new episodes
>of West Wing and episodes of The Daily Show, but I assume that you are an
>adult and assume that you should have learned that instant gratification of
>all your desires is not a practical desire.

I am not going to sit here and try to argue the legality of
downloading TV shows off the Internet with an attorney (or anyone else
for that matter). Yes, it is illegal and if you deem it immoral as
well so be it. I'll try to live with myself.
