This is an open call for panel proposals for this year's Anime Expo
New York, in New York City, NY.  Please note that if you propose a
panel you will be expected to organize and moderate it.  Please do not
propose a panel for someone else to run.

If you'd like to apply to run a panel, please email  DO NOT email me directly, or reply to this
posting directly.  Only email to that address will be considered.

In your email please include:
- The name by which you wish to be listed as a panel organizer
- The contact email address you wish to use
- The URL for info on your panel (if you have one)
- A description of the panel's topic and contents

Additionally, note that the standard panel time slot is one hour.  If
you feel you need a longer time slot, please explain why you feel this
is the case, and how much time you will need.

Also, please note if your panel has any special restrictions, such as
adult content, that may indicate special time slots, additional
security requirements, etc.

Remember, email

For the current schedule see:

Please feel free to distribute this far and wide, to any newsgroups,
mailing lists, and forums where you think it might attract panel

For more info on the con, see

-MZ, CISSP #3762, RHCE #806199299900541
<> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me..
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 508-755-4098
<URL:>  <URL:> Eris