Toshiba Laptop Satellite M35X-S161problem
My son sent me the above computer due to the DC power connector having
come loose from the MB. (A very common problem from what I have read.)
I repaired the connector but the battery appears to be weak/bad. The
computer did boot if I charged the battery outside of the computer and
installed it, but rapidly lost its charge.
My question is that at the site below Toshiba implies that the computer
should start WITHOUT the battery installed. Does anyone know if this is
true? Many laptops I have seen refuse to start unless the battery is
installed. I hate to recommend a new battery if the charging circuit or
something else is also bad. The comments from Toshiba can be found at
the link below, and clicking on the link on that page that says:
98080952 Computer will not turn on
"3. Connect the AC Adapter to the computer. Leave the battery out of the
computer. Try turning the computer on again. If the computer starts
normally, the battery may need charging, may be depleted, or may be
defective. Turn the computer on, insert the battery, and then leave the
computer running for several hours, which will deliver a slow, steady
'trickle-charge' to the battery. Once the battery has been
trickle-charged, it may begin working correctly again. If the
trickle-charging does not prove effective, see our Support Bulletin
Step-Charging the computer's battery."
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
GnuPG Key ID = ECC8A735
GnuPG Key fingerprint = 9BE6 B9E9 55A5 A499 CD51 946E 9BDC 7870 ECC8 A735