Re: So which is better french culture or US culture?
"Euro" <> wrote in message
> TXZZ wrote:
>> I think US culture because in US you are taught to think and act for
>> yourself whereas french are just a bunch of automotons who mimic what
>> is considered "cultured" likea bunch of monkeys
> Which is why the French thought and acted by themselves and refused to
> follow the US leaders into a war in Iraq that now proves to be a
> quagmire,
Wrong..the french didn't support the US because we were going to war with
one of their business partners...Saddam.
whereas almost no American had the courage to publicly put
> into question the principle of this war before it was launched.
Wrong again...plenty of liberal whack jobs came out against the war, but not
because of the war, but because it was a Republican president...if Clinton
went to war in Iraq...they wouldn't say a word.
Now I do think that the WMD excuse to go to war was the wrong reason...and
rightfully so after the fact.
I knew before because of Iraqi operative meetings in Germany with the ring
leader of the 9/11 attacks was why we went to war with Iraq. I don't know
why Bush used WMD, I think the Iraqi/Al-quaeda link should have been the
reason and he just should have said so.
But even then Chirac would have opposed it because we were going after his
> So that, probablt out of jealousy, you also supported steps meant to
> "punish France", a country that had the guts to think and act by
> themselves and not by the orders coming from Washington.
Again...we took out his business partner...THAT is why they went against the
US....because it cost them money(putting money ahead of terrorism and
tyranny...imagine that)...not because they acted by themselves.
> Euro
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