On 17 Jun 2003 14:42:34 -0700, worthj1970@yahoo.com (John W.) belched
the alphabet and kept on going with:

>From Yomiuri:
>"Hiroshima man admits stealing 1,000 bikes"
>"A 67-year-old man sent to prosecutors on suspicion of stealing about
>20 bicycles has admitted stealing and selling more than 1,000 bicycles
>over a 31-year period, The Yomiuri Shimbun learned Tuesday."

What's the real deal on this? AFN picked this up as one of their token
Japanese news stories to carry. They reported that the 1,000 bikes
were stolen over a *three* year period.


Michael Cash

"There was a time, Mr. Cash, when I believed you must be the most useless
thing in the world. But that was before I read a Microsoft help file."

                                Prof. Ernest T. Bass
                                Mount Pilot College
