In article <>
  "Mike Corley" writes:

>>> ##: There were also a few other things said at the trial
>>> ##: relating to this which I won't repeat here; it was in the papers
>>> ##: at the time anyway. This quote and others said by and about this
>>> ##: witness were repeating things that had been said by and about
>>> ##: me at around that time.

                When, where and by whom ?  Let's have some details
                that can be checked.

I'm not going to repeat them. They're hurtful to me because they contained abuse that was
directed against me by someone else at the time and which got picked up and thrown again
in the trial. It is a matter of record but I won't repeat it here.
>>> PM: >Who's character is being assassinated? It isn't clear from the post.
>>> PM: >Are we talking about Grenville Janner? I thought he was a spook
>>> PM: >himself? He's certainly able to hold his own on the issue you cite.

>>> ##: Mine, mainly. The reason for putting that episode at the top
>>> ##: of the posting is that they tried to kill two birds with one stone
>>> ##: at the Beck trial - they simultaneously put words into the mouth
>>> ##: of their invented "witness" to smear Janner, and repeated exactly,
>>> ##: word-for-word, stuff which had been said by and about me.

                Why would "they" wish to assassinate your character?

Well, let's put it this way - just because this is the first time it's happened in this way,
from these people, on this scale, doesn't mean that it hasn't happened before, on a lesser
scale. At university there were people who quite overtly hated me and would have wished
something nasty to happen to me. Because of where I went making the wrong sort of enemies
is pretty deadly.

"They" would wish to assassinate my character because it had all been done before, and
because they knew I would not be able to react in any other way than I'd reacted previously.

>>> ##: They invaded my home with their bugs, they repeated what I
>>> ##: was saying in the privacy of my home, and they laughed that it
>>> ##: was "so funny", that I was impotent and could not even communicate
>>> ##: what was going on. Who did this? Our friends on BBC television,
>>> ##: our friends in ITN, last but not least our friends in Capital
>>> ##: Radio in London and on Radio 1. 

                Please give details of when, where and by whom these
                comments were made, so that they can be checked.

This was four, five years ago... sorry, I don't remember. I can remember individual incidents,
words which were repeated by different people at different times in different locations.

Around the end of 1992 Private Eye rtan a front-cover with John and Norma Major, with
the title "Major's support lowest ever" and John saying to Norma "Come back norma" on the
front cover. What can you read in to that? Not a lot, seems like standard fare for PE.
The first time I saw it I was in the pub with some people from work. One was expressing doubts
to the other (let's call the first one Simon, shall we? and the second one Phil?) about
whether what was going on was right. Phil's answer was that if Private Eye was doing it
then it must be ok, "they're usually right".

A few days later, again near work, there were some students laughing in the street,
"Were you COMING BACK later? But I thought you said you were COMING BACK ha ha ha?"
Play on words, you see. Not very nice, either. I had start medication soon afterwards.
Clever people, these chaps who think up PE titles. Just slightly lacking in any
sense of morality.

>>> ##: How did they do this? I'll give you an example. About a year ago,
>>> ##: I was listening to Chris Tarrant (Capital Radio DJ among other
>>> ##: pursuits) on his radio morning show, when he said, talking about
>>> ##: someone he didn't identify, "you know this bloke? he says we're
>>> ##: trying to kill him. We should be done for attempted manslaughter"
>>> ##: which mirrored something I had said a day or two before.
>>> ##: Now that got broadcast to the whole of London - if any recordings
>>> ##: are kept of the shows then it'll be there.

                What was the date of the broadcast ?
                Out of 2 million plus listeners, why should you be
                the only one that Tarrant was allegedly referring to ?

Sometyime in spring 1994. I can't remember the date, I heard the broadcast in the
car - I was going into the office from London that day and just happened to snap
on the radio, and hey presto! Mr Tarrant gives us the benefit of his excellent

>>> ##: That's exactly what we did. We went to a competent, professional                            
>>> ##: detective agency in London, paid them over 400 quid to debug our house.                     
>>> ##: They found nothing.                                                                         
                What was the name of the detective agency and their                                 
                address ?                                                                           

I don't see why I should tell you that, but they're in Yellow Pages; they're
a well-established outfit.
>>> PM: >What? Spend a quarter mil. a year to amuse themselves? And why not
>>> PM: >change every now and again? Why keep watching you? (Unless you _are_
>>> PM: >doing something, and I don't think you are, though you may have some
>>> PM: >deep, dark secret in your past.)
>>> ##: See the above.

                Is there a deep dark secret in your past ?

Apart from "it's all happened before in a different way", no.

>>> ##: In a couple of cases people have even known my name - when I was in
>>> ##: London over Easter somebody (no idea who they were, just some bloke with

>>> ##: his girlfriend) called me by name  - quite clearly, and my name is
>>> ##: distinctive.

                Is your name truly Mike Corley, or are you using it as
                an alias ?

It's an alias. I'm not English by ethnic origin. If someone manages to pronounce
my name as well as that guy did then they must have been really trying.

>>> ##: There's a little story behind this. First of all, in 1992 I worked
>>> ##: for a company where the people made clear they knew what was going on,
>>> ##: first of all directly (the very first evening I was there I went out to
>>> ##: the pub with them and the Technical Director said to another guy,
>>> ##: "is this the bloke who's been on TV?" "yeah, I think so")
                Have you appeared, or been reported by name on TV ?
                When, where and by whom ?

No. Never. Not directly.

>>> ##: Also, in summer 1992 I went on a trip abroad to Europe by coach,
                What was the name of the coach company and your date
                of departure ?

It was a national express coach. At dover we boarded a ferry for Holland somewhere.
The company that organized the trip went out of business some time ago, so they won't
have records of passengers - so we can't get any corroboration from anyone else
that way. We tried all that last summer, ran into a brick wall.

The other thing is in summer 1992 I was visibly ill, so other people in the
party might remember that more than anyone getting at me on the coach trip.

>>> ##: >>Yes, this gets me. I think the answer is that I was set up by
>>> ##: >>someone. I was very aware when this started back in 1990 that I
>>> ##: >>was being painted as a "threat" to which people had to "react"

                Why were you being painted as a "threat"; is this related
                to a "deep,dark, secret" ?

Aaaarrrrgh. I think I should make clear that that's their created justification
rather than the real reason. They started harassing first and then came up with the
reasons for it.

>>> ##: I think I know who set me up.
                Who ?

Someone who knew me some time ago. Someone who would have been able to talk this
little campaign into existence.

>>> ##: The bloke can't even control his own mind without medicine.

                Is this true ?  What is the medication and dosage ?

Yes, I'm afraid so. Sulpiride, 200mg a day. It's designed to stop people
coming up with the sort of ideas you've heard here for the last few weeks.
Give him a higher dose!!

In the long term it causes tardive dyskinesia, tardive dementia and general
nasty stuff to your brain. So it's three years of sulpiride talking to you here.
>john heelan