Re: Broadband in Japan
On Sun, 05 Oct 2003 17:10:13 +0900, Chris Kern <>
belched the alphabet and kept on going with:
>On 3 Oct 2003 10:28:38 -0700, (Davey Small)
>posted the following:
>>So all in all, not bad. Faster connections for about the same than I
>>am paying now. Good, very good.
>>Thank you all.
>If you get Yahoo BB you also get the "BB Phone" which lets you make
>calls to the US at 2.5 yen a minute (and the first two months of calls
>are free, at least under the current deal). It just goes through your
>normal phone and normal phone line.
I recently discovered that even my piece-o-shit ISP provides the same
service, at the same rate. Gotta sign up for it one of these days.
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