Just as a side note, I bought this soundtrack many, many moons ago.
The music (as mentioned earlier) is arranged in chronological order
with respect to the movie. The cd kicks some major ass, so check:

1.) us.yesasia.com
2.) www.gamecave.com (if they're still alive)
3.) The local import shops (or call the not-so-local ones to see if
they have it too)

If all else fails, ask someone to buy it for you and send (if you
don't have a credit card). Live and learn...

On Sat, 29 Jun 2002 00:26:23 +0200, "luci"
<luciano.barbis@ri.hinet.hr> wrote:

>i can´t find end of eva soundrack,HELP MEEEEEEE.....


More information that you can shake a stick at: www.evafaq.com
Always check there for the latest ftp information, 
as well as all of the other cool goodies.
GO GO GO!!! Now!!! Hurry!!! If you don't the gods 
will not be pleased. And of course, when you mess 
with the forest gods, well, you know what happens.

perl -e 'eval pack 'h*','675636824225c203c2332392d303875324532363544324b36756368242e4c203c2332392d303875344534363537333b36756368242b4c203c2332392d303877333631363932303b3072796e6474225c242e4c242b4''
perl -e "eval pack 'h*','675636824225c203c2332392d303875324532363544324b36756368242e4c203c2332392d303875344534363537333b36756368242b4c203c2332392d303877333631363932303b3072796e6474225c242e4c242b4'"
First one in *nix, the second in Windows...