sanjian wrote:
> Rob Browning wrote:
>> On Fri, 15 Dec 2006 21:44:42 GMT, "The Eternal Lost Lurker"
>> <> wrote:
>>> "Rob Browning" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>> No, it sucks when people put games I want to play on systems
>>>>>>>> that they don't belong on.
>>>>>>> And how do we know what BELONGS on which system?
>>>>>> I think I already mentioned that.
>>>>> And your authority is derived from?
>>>> The differences between the portable and console markets?  The
>>>> differences between portables and consoles themselves?  Or maybe
>>>> just common sense?  Take your pick.
>>> You've completely and utterly failed to satisfactorily answer the
>>> question put to you. You are being asked what "authority" you have
>>> to dictate which game belongs on which system. None of the above
>>> statements qualifies you as an "authority" on ANYTHING.
>> No, but certainly the well-known differences between portables and
>> consoles are authoritative.  They are not just my opinion.
> There are also differences between the PS2 and the Gamecube.  Does
> that mean that games that belong on the PS2 don't belong on the
> GameCube.  You have failed to explain why those differences are
> SIGNIFICANT in the scope of this discusison.

I guess the question is, what makes RPG's a no no for handhelds and 
exclusivly for home systems and yet, other games aren't.  Why are RPG's 
special and other games for handhelds aren't?  Unless you are saying that 
any game that isn't a port of another game that is on a home system isn't 
the right kind of game for a handheld.
