Re: is it true american are moron?
On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 17:34:58 +0900, Brett Robson
<> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>Michael Cash wrote:
>> No, but adding a number of troops hardly equals "concentrating ALL the
>> military power" on Saddam Hussein.
>When the 2 Div 1st and 3rd brigades (currently in Sth Korea) go
>through Iraq ALL of the US Army's combat brigades will have
>served in either Afgahistan or Iraq. Some of 3 Arm Div are
>readying for their 3rd rotation. This war will rip the heart out
>the US Army and it will take a generation to repair (an army
>generation, 10 years). The loss of senior NCO and junior officers
>will be a serious blow.
Yes, it will.
Regardless of whether one agrees with the appropriateness of the
current conflicts, it does make one wonder how advisable the drawdown
of force in recent years was.
Michael Cash
"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."
Dr. Howard Sprague
Dean of Admissions
Mount Pilot College
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