If you own an Olympus be careful!
I can't prove it or one of my children would be dead.  I am certain
one of them dropped the camera.
The point is this.  Upon discovery of my nonfuctioning camera I spoke
with the local repair shop.  They couldn't help except to send it to
NY.  He further explained Olympus has 2 prices; minor repairs are
$250.00  and major repair work is $450.00.
BTW I was reading the thread about indoor low light levels and I have
experienced the same conditions.  For a quick fix I switched to the
sports setting and the picture improved enough to be passable.  It was
a college stage production and the distance was to far, for the flash
to be of any use.
Finally, does anyone have anything good, bad, or indifferent to say
about the E-20N?  But the price, WOW!  Anything from $1150 to $1500
Thanks for your input.