Re: New Thread
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 15:47:43 +0900, B Robson <>
brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>necoandjeff wrote:
>> B Robson wrote:
>>>Since when did Korean TV become cool?
>> Where the hell have you been?
>One of the things I like about Japan is I can generally avoid mainstream
>"culture" only tapping into the things I am interested in. For instance
>I don't think I have ever heard a Brittany Spears song. One draw back is
>I didn't know how big the Chutetsu earthquake was until I sat next to a
>guy on the train and saw his newspaper.
>> If you have had any meaningful
>> contact with Japanese women over the past year or so I can't imagine you
>> wouldn't know this...
>Depends with what you mean by "meaningful".
Absent remuneration or subterfuge.
Michael Cash
"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."
Dr. Howard Sprague
Dean of Admissions
Mount Pilot College
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