Re: printer recommendations for pictures
"Richard and Shaw Bullington" <> wrote in message
: I am new to digital camera scene. I recently purchased a Canon S1 IS. I
: looking at a printer so that I can print off pictures. I will mostly be
: printing 4x6 size prints, but occasionally might print 8x10 prints. I
: currently have a HP deskjet 3650 and also a HP 842c. Do you think that
: either of these printers will be sufficient (I know that the 3650 has a
: photo cartridge, but I haven't bought one yet), or do you have any other
: recommendations. I haven't really given it much thought regarding the
: budget I'm on for the printer (considering I blew my budget buying the
: camera), but I could probably consider around the $200 range right now.
: with this being said, should I stick with one of my current printers, or
: should I invest in another model. If anyone could give me some ideas to
: work with, I'd greatly appreciate it.
: Richard Bullington
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