On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 22:25:33 +0900, "Ed" <gwbush@whitehouse.com>

>"Bryan Parker" <puntspeedchunk@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 18 Nov 2003 21:59:19 +0900, "Dick Muhfukkin Bagswing"
>> <laugh@my.nuts.wouldja?> wrote:
>> >I was out of here for some time and just noticed that Kevin isn't here.
>> >
>> >Is he ok?
>> He and Ed seem to be on a high-ate-us somewhere.
>I've been getting sidetracked lately with reality. And reality bloody sucks.

Obviously! "Reality" has you speaking like a "bloody" Uklanstodrian!
(Extra quotation/exclamation marks included in this post because "I
know" how much Kevin hates 'em!) 

Where ya been, Brah? 

Welcome back,

Bryan with a マ-ファキン "Y"