Re: are japanese women treated better than american women?
"Steve Sundberg" <> skrev i melding
> On Sat, 1 Apr 2006 02:36:23 +0200, "Tron" <> wrote:
>>"jenny" <> skrev i melding
>>> different country has different customs!
>>No. Attractive people are treated better in every country.
> Define "attractive."
> It varies with the culture.
Yes .... However, that is a different question: is there a universal
IIRC, the topic under discussion was whether or not attractive people were
treated better than ugly people. It is a cultural constant that any person
deemed attractive by the standards of any given culture, will be treated
better in that culture. Thre is no culture which does not have beauty bias.
There is no culture where ugly people are treated the same as beautiful
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