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Things You Don't Want To Hear When Regaining

 "I don't know what it is, but hurry up and
pack it in ice." "Hey Charlie, unzip the bag
on that one, he's still moving." "Blink once
for 'yes'". "What do you mean we have the wrong
patient?" "Why is there a tag on his toe?" "Do
you think he can hear us?" "I didn't even know
a human could bend that way." "I'm sorry, we
must not have used enough anesthesia. Just relax
now.     We'll be done in a jiffy." "Hold the patient
still, we've almost pried it open." "Did the
doctor know he would look like that afterward?"
"Of course I've performed this operation before,
nurse!" "Nurse, make sure you're getting all
this down. It'll make a great 'ER' script."