On Sun, 29 Jun 2003 22:17:58 GMT, Kevin Wayne Williams
<nihongo@paxonet.kom> belched the alphabet and kept on going with:

>Dave Fossett wrote:
>> Michael Cash wrote:
>>>Almost correct.
>>>It isn't that only 2% of Japanese produce the chemical that makes
>>>sweat stink. It is that only 2% of Japanese have the chromosome that
>>>allows them to smell it. Unfortunately, close to 100% of the
>>>foreigners who visit Japan seem to have been born with the chromosome
>>>that allows them to smell Japanese sweat.
>> Hehe, this certainly sounds closer to the truth.
>According to WebMD, it is actually both for a similar question: Does 
>everybody's piss smell bad after they eat asparagus and some aren't able 
>to smell it? Or is it that their piss actually doesn't smell?

If you think I'm going to eat asparagus in order to find out, think


Michael Cash

"There was a time, Mr. Cash, when I believed you must be the most useless
thing in the world. But that was before I read a Microsoft help file."

                                Prof. Ernest T. Bass
                                Mount Pilot College
