If there's indeed a "Smoking Gun" that proves beyond ALL
reasonable doubt that a government conspiracy was
responsible for the horror of 911 -- and the horrific aftermath
of the on-going war in Iraq -- the following URL is it:
< ================
> http://www.911foreknowledge.com/bravenewworld.htm
It's the "SECOND" Naudet Brothers' video taken when the first
WTC tower exploded.
(PLEASE note that I'm not referring to the Naudets' first video
when they allegedly took video of the  first plane, supposedly
commandeered by  "terrorists," flying into the North Tower.
Nevertheless, the Naudet Brothers' video of the first plane striking
the first tower is as phony as a $4 bill.
I maintain there was NO plane -- therefore no plane visible --
when the first tower exploded despite the Naudet video. I'm convinced
the plane was EDITED INTO THE VIDEO in the hours AFTER the
explosion occurred and was only released to the networks after the
plane was superimposed to make it seem like the real thing, that a
plane indeed had been responsible.
This explains the plane's peculiar appearance and behavior when
the video -- the ghost plane included -- was shown to gullible
Americans and people around the world. It damn well did look
like the real thing, but it wasn't
But, then again, when the Naudet video showed the plane striking the
North Tower, it appeared the jet resembled a knife slicing through
melted butter.
If there is any New Yorker who actually saw American Airlines Flight
11 IN FLIGHT before striking the first tower, stand up and be heard.
All anyone can  say -- in all honesty -- is that they HEARD
the explosion, looked up and ASSUMED a plane had hit the tower.
But no one actually saw Flight 11, or any other plane, strike the
first tower because there was no plane, neither a missile. The
explosion was caused by explosives stockpiled inside that were
planted over the previous few days.
The Naudet Brothers' video, showing a plane striking the tower,
was supposed to convince us that this IS what happened, that
our eyes couldn't deceive us -- but they did.
However, that wasn't the ONLY Naudet video taken when the
explosion occurred --  and the other video is, beyond the 
question of a doubt,  THE SMOKING GUN. 
You see, the Naudet Brothers had taken ANOTHER video at the very
same time the doctored photo was taken, showing pedestrians casually
hurrying to wherever they were going precisely when the explosion
occurred high in the first tower.
This second video is self-explanatory and proves the (read the
accompanying URL
text), and there was no reason in the world to have taken it unless it
was a feeble attempt to add insult to injury and try and provide more
fraudulent  "evidence" that a plane with Arab terrorists had hit the
But it proves, beyond the shadow of a doubt, is that the Naudet
brothers had foreknowledge of what was about to happen -- hence
a government conspiracy.
This SECOND Naudet video was just one of a series of comedic errors
in the whole 911 shenanigans -- the phony cell phone calls,
 the Pentagon fiasco, the bogus Osama bin Laden video in which he
confesses to masterminding 911, Mark Bingham's phone call to his
mother in which she says hello and he says: "This is Mark BINGHAHM..."
--to his own mother -- etc.
It was sheer propaganda to convince the American public that 19
terrorists (at least a half-dozen still alive) were responsible for
911, thus opening wide the door for the invasion of Afghanistan and
Iraq, and the incredible amount of blood that has been shed.
If the conspirators had any common sense, the "SECOND" Naudet
video of the pedestrians would NEVER have seen the light of day.
I don't know who deserves credit for this URL. But, whomever
it was -- his first name is Ray -- I offer a sincere thank you.
I'm sure Cindy Sheehan says thank you, too.
> =================================
Ed Conrad
> http://www.edconrad.com
Man as Old as Coal
Proof of Life After Death