Re: No parking (Kaz) said:
>Bryan Parker <> wrote in message news:<>...
>> She kept this guy waiting to get into his own
>> super expensive parking space for who knows how
>> long, and SHE gets annoyed with them during an
>> interview?
>She first apologized to him, I think.
Ed told me he was sorry for fucking my dog too.
That didn't make my dog's asshole feel any better.
>Anyway, he should have kept his
>super expensive parking lot with an enclosure and locked it if he
>wanted no one to occupy it. Leaving it with a condition that anyone
>can occupy is his fault.
Ok, thanks,
gaijenetic engineering -
noun: the technology of preparing recombinant gaijiNA
in vitro by cutting up gaijiNA molecules and splicing
together fragments from more than one organism
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