Re: If japanimation isnt that popular in japan......
On 27 Jun 2005 14:18:22 -0700, "TXZZ" <> wrote:
>> No, verno, japs do not buy animation much.
>You really are mentally challenged, aren't you.
>>I never said "japs" buy it. I said PEOPLE buy it.
>bull. Most franchises dont even make it over here, and are almost
>never intended for inernational audiences anyway, never mind the fact
>that until about 10 years ago there was a zero percent chance of anyone
>buying this shit out of japan anyway. YOu dont seriously think they
>are making all that shit for CAnada are you?
I *know* I'm not suppossed to feed the troll, but having seen anime
in Peru in the early 80s, and knowing that it was shown even more in
Mexico and the rest of South America, I *had to step in!
Also, even if you don't know Spanish, there's this awesome site . .
. (check out all the anime titles!):
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