On Wed, 26 Nov 2003 19:00:35 +0900, Michael Cash
<mikecash@sunfield.ne.jp> wrote:

>On Tue, 25 Nov 2003 17:52:29 +0900, Raj Feridun
><rferid@NOSPAMyahoo.co.jp> belched the alphabet and kept on going

>>For the umpteenth time I think painting ALL Japanese with a broad
>>"uncaring" brush smacks of racism.

>You can't imagine my surprise a couple of nights ago at learning my
>wife is a racist.

>She and the children were watching a television show which showed
>segments of foreign television programs. One segment dealt with an
>American couple whose 2 month old child suddenly stopped breathing. At
>the time, they were in their car in an extremely packed parking
>garage. A man in the car behind them was an off-duty EMT who helped to
>restart the child's breathing. Another man moved through the densely
>packed gaggle of cars attempting to exit the parking area and got
>everyone to move over enough to make a space for the couple to get
>their car through and rush to the emergency room.

>My wife watched this segment, and when it was over she remarked that
>if the same thing had happened in Japan no one would have lifted a
>finger to help them. Boy! If I had known what a racist she is toward
>her own race, I never would have married her. I mean, she was already
>sub-human just by being Japanese, ya know.

>(She had no idea this was currently a topic on fjlij, by the way).

She failed to account for the possible presence of a helpful foreigner
like the one mentioned above. It is possible that even in Japan
someone might have helped.