jimbreen@gmail.com wrote:
> On Monday, 28 May 2012 09:21:36 UTC+10, chuckers  wrote:

> > I haven't donated blood in Japan in probably FAR too long.  When I did do it, there wasn't really any big deal about it that I recall.
> > 
> > I also think you were give a choice about how much you could donate.  200mL was "standard" which, as you say, about half of what the US usually takes.  If you so desired, however, you were given to option of having the full 400mL withdrawn.  It meant your time between being allowed back was extended of course but it wasn't as if that was any different.

> When I used to donate whole blood here in Oz the standard was
> 600ml. I changed to plasma apherisis a few years back. It was
> 600ml for that too, but recently it was changed to a volume
> calculated from one's weight & height, so mine is now 800ml. You
> can ask for a lower limit if you like.

> 200ml seems hardly worth the effort.

That was my thought, but "every little bit helps", I suppose, and I have
a rare blood type.
