From: "Ginsu1968" <>
Subject: Detailed Summary Information for a File  (IS IT POSSIBLE TO MODIFY 
These Fields)
Date: Sunday, November 07, 2004 7:34 PM

I found lots of Code to Retrieving Detailed Summary Information for a File

But its there a way to Modify those Fields via a Program or a Script ???

I am trying to do thyis via VBS or VB6
So far (I must Be a Real Dumb Ass) cause I haven't been able to find
anything about Writing to or Modifying  these Fields short of Highliting the
File, than RightClick, Properties, then go to the SUMMARY TAB, and typing
the text there !!!

If it is possible to Read these Fields ...
And the simple Fact that by changing them through the "File Properties" I
Have to believe that it could Be Possible !!!

So where could I find Help about that ???

A Desperate Guy
(Very Tired of Browsing countless WEB Pages (All for Nothing))

Any Hints would Greatly be Appreciated