"Sleeping Lotus" <sleepinglotus2006@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
> TXZZ wrote:
>> The Japanese are a bunch of fucking weirdos who will basically go along
>> with whatever the spirit of the times are. They're like one of those
>> people who doesn't seem to actually have his own personality, or any
>> real convictions. They just kind of ABSORB THE PERSONALITIES of the
>> people around them and can change their emotional and intellectual
>> opinions on a dime, based on what's cool.
>> They are very adolescent!
> That is completely outrageous. I think the Japanese are very
> self-confident in being Japanese and have a lot of pride for their
> heritage. They are also more intelligent than the average westerner, so
> I wouldn't be so sure about that last comment. Just because they are
> interested in what is going on in the world, that doesn't mean they are
> "absorbing" other personalities. I think you must have once fallen in
> love with a Japanese girl and she rejected you.
It was a Japanese boy and actually he was a Latino but looked very Oriental