Temporary internet connexion in Japan
What are the solution you'd recommend for the on-line fix of someone who
will stay in Japan for just a few weeks (that may extend to a pair of
month) ?
I was thinking of good ole dial up, preferably as hassle free as
possible with an on-line registration and no additional charge over the
dial up number cost itself. Found asahinet, but it sound like you do
need to take a monthly plan (sound incredible to me in France, we've had
monthly plan free, local communication charge only dial up access since
But then maybe a 3G data card is a better option, the speed would
probably be less painful, however the prices I've found for now sound
really high : http://www.pupuru.com/en/service/emobile/
Is subscribing to ADSL offer and canceling it very fast also an option ?
Or subscribing to a 3G data card plan and canceling it. Doing it with
the ID of a permanent resident is not a problem.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
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