On Mon, 29 Dec 2003 22:39:00 +0900, "m.yoshida" <masa@yahoo.co.jp>
brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:

>"Michael Cash" <buggeroff@fake.com> wrote in message
>> On Sun, 28 Dec 2003 21:39:44 +0900, "m.yoshida" <masa@yahoo.co.jp>
>> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>> >
>> >"wasabi" <shibuya@excite.com> wrote in message
>> >news:a24d2dae.0312280418.7fea238b@posting.google.com...
>> >> Amoredben@aol.com wrote in message
>> >> > You know how many unwanted dogs are put to death in America everyday?
>> >> > I'm glad the Koreans can make a food source out of unwanted animals.
>> >> > When I use to take karate, My 75 year old Chinese Karate teacher said
>> >> > only the simple country chinese eat dogs, and that the sophisticated
>> >> > city Chinese don't do that sort of thing. He also said Koreans were
>> >> > low class, but that's another story. My feeling is, if The Koreans can
>> >> > get rid of some unwanted mutts by eating them, More power to them.
>> >>
>> >> You're either under 16 yrs old or poorly educated.  If you're both,
>> >> you win the doodoo prize.
>> >
>> >Although over thirty years old, I'm not sure of what is meant  by "doodoo".
>> >Is it relevant to "doodle"?
>> No, the paper is much too absorbent. More relevant to "dookie".
>"Dookie" is a countable word?

No, "dookie" is an uncountable noun.


Michael Cash

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