Train service in Tokyo area March 26
Electricity demand being low on the weekend, railways can keep trains
running today. JR East has announced limited suspension on only the
Kururi Line in southern Chiba. (I am not sure what rolling blackouts
has to do with this line which is powered by diesel rather than
JR East Ban'etsu Line will reopen today, allowing access to
Aizu-Wakamatsu and Kouriyama via Niigata. Tobu, which is already
running trains toward Aizu-Wakamatsu via the Nikko area will increase runs.
JR East has announced that they plan to reopen the Joban Line to Katsuta
by April 10. Cars standing idle at Katsuta depot will be brought back
to work and congestion will be relieved.
Details here:
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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