On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 09:19:55 -0500, Kevin Gowen
<kgowenNOSPAM@myfastmail.com> wrote:

>Ken Yasumoto-Nicolson wrote:
>> Taken from a post to that email group that pre-emptively banned our Mr
>> Cash (I'm still jealous of you for that one!):
>> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/communityinjapan/message/5543
>> If you're not a member, he says about a meeting being held:
>>     Please bring a native speaker, as proceedings will likely be
>>     in Japanese
>> Isn't he becoming just a little _too_ Japanese?
>I was surprised to learn there is a city in Mie named "Zu".

I wondered what you meant by that, then I remembered there's a city
called Tsu, but surely he couldn't have got that wrong, as it's a Joyo
reading for that kanji...

I wonder who the native speaker that he's bringing is?

>- Kevin
