"John W." <worthj1970@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
> Stache wrote:
>> Being quit fond of Japan I find Americans to be loud, brash,
>> disrespectable, and condescending.  It is my opinion the loudness and
>> brashness comes from certain peoples lack of culture.
> You said it, brother.
>> A fine example of this can be found around any military installation in
>> Japan where foul mouth Americans somehow believe they are superior to
>> Japanese.  This is not to say the over weight (Fat to Obese) American
>> traveling around Japan doesn't complain about not having ketchup or
>> the portions are too small.  Ugly American will always be ugly.
> You're preaching to the choir, friend.
>> I certainly distance myself from the type of people above.  All nations
>> have these types of people some are just worse than others.  I happen
>> to be an American and in my opinion Americans are the rudest, most foul
>> month and disrespectable.
> Amen. I despise rude and disrespectable people just as much as you.
>> And while I am at it, what makes Americans think Japanese should speak
>> English to them in Japan?
> Amen, cousin, amen.
> John W.
I think it is a trait of the fat slob, not of nationality.
Not to mention the fact they are taking advantage of our health care rates, 
airline fares and more.
In my business I deal one on one with people and have found that the ones 
who try and take advantage of me are over weight slobs (no kidding).
Watch how they will push their way past you in a market to get to a sale 
item regardless if you were there first. Only to discover there was no item 
they wanted then they just lumber off looking for another person to abuse. I 
akin them to the raging drug addict scraping and clawing at society.
They are self centered self serving pigs and if they all dropped dead of a 
heart attack today it would be a shame to litter the earth with their fat 