"Uncle Al" <UncleAl0@hate.spam.net> wrote in message
> Raymond Yohros wrote:
> >
> > is There any hope on detecting gravitons?
> Why would you beleive they exist?
> http://arXiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0409089
>  Spin-2 gravitons have problems  (so does the proposal)

Thanks for the link.  Will download it and study it - very interesting
stuff.  However it is well known (and shown by Ohnaian and Ruffini in
Gravitation and Space Time) that the linear equations (which spin 2
particles coupling to mass/energy do imply) more or less force the EFE's
onto us.  This is because they imply particles move as if space-time had an
infinitesimal curvature and its gauge invariance are infistemimal coordinate
transformations.  The penalization to the full equations is immediate - ie
space time is curved when gravity is present and they are described by
equations obeying the principle of genital invariance.  It is a rather
interesting property of the linear equations that these requirements
uniquely determines the non linear equations from the linear ones - see
Chapter 7 - Ohanian and Ruiffini - Gravitation and Space-time.  AFAICS the
issue is if what the linear equations show (ie innfitesimal curvature and
gauge reformations) implies the full properties of the non linear equations
ie is it possible to have a theory that has those properties in the linear
approximation and not in the full theory?


> > is LISA going to be ready in 2011 and
> > how is the scientific community feeling
> > about this proyect?
> http://www.physics2005.org/events/einsteinathome/
> -- 
> Uncle Al
> http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/
>  (Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)
> http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/qz.pdf