Re: Special Request: Please read inside
chad vollenweider <chad@vollen.weider> wrote in news:chad-
> Hi,
> I am doing a paper on the Japanese phenomenon known as "burikko", which
> is basically when a (Japanese) woman acts childish, usually in front of
> men, for various reasons. It also touches on the "Hello Kitty"
> phenomenon.
> I am thus looking for any multimedia (video, audio, etc.) related to
> these ideas. I have to do a presentation along with my paper, so it
> would be much more clear to the audience what "burikko" is if they had
> video evidence, for example. Also, if anyone knows of pictures/video of
> older women with many Hello Kitty items, that would be very helpful.
> I usually don't make requests such as this, but I have searched far and
> wide, and my Japanese skills aren't good enough yet. Also, you are the
> people to ask!
> Any help appreciated! Thank you.
I found this forum where people are talking about it:
They seemed to have mentioned some celebrity named "Chiaki" so maybe you
could find out who she is and try to find some clip of her?
Also, I was wondering whether the phenomenon might be related to the
concept of "shoujo" in Japan in general. Since youth for females is so
over-valued, perhaps some women might think it makes them more attractive
to act younger? Before being a "shoujo" was roughly defined as that age
between starting puberty and getting married (at which point one becomes a
"woman"), but it seems that nowadays, anyone can remain "shoujo" inside,
despite their age. (I'm taking a Japn lit class right now and that's what
we were discussing.) Supposedly the author Mori Mari, daughter of Mori
Ougai, is a good example of this. (However I haven't read her stuff so I
wouldn't know personally.)
As well, how about people who dress up in Lolita style - would that qualify
as/be related to Burikko? There's tonnes of Goth Loli pics out there on
the web.
- tamagotchi
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