Re: Hafu Project Night!
On 06/02/2010 08:59 PM, John W. wrote:
> On Jun 1, 10:29 pm, CL<> wrote:
>> On 06/01/2010 09:13 PM, John W. wrote:
>>> My only wish is that my friends would stop sending me every piece of
>>> drivel that supports the notion the US is heading into oblivion, has
>>> lost its sense of values (hard to have in a melting pot in the first
>>> place), is becoming facist/socialist/marxist, etc.
>> You mean you don't want to know The Truth?
> Al Franken had a comment on The Truth awhile back, something about not
> letting facts get in the way. My one quasi-psycho right wing nut
> friend stopped emailing me the drivel when I went on a multi page rant
> about how incongruous, illogical, and against-common-sense most of the
> right-wing crap is nowadays.
Al Franken and I graduated from different schools within the same
conference the same year. We've known each other since two years before
that. If he says it's true, it is ... probably.
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