Looking for Writes, Artists, Thinkings and Filmmakers : new webzine : 
Revolting Horror

R E V O L T I N G     H O R R O R

Be part of the future of horror film and literature by using the power of 
your mind and computer to transform the present.  Revolting Horror will be 
the monthly zine, first in email and then in print, of the International 
Festival of Horror. There are hundreds of film festivals, but what we think 
makes festival special is we seek films that tap into the social 
unconscious, political unconscious, and reward horror movies that experiment 
and take chances.

We also believe that horror and sci-fi is at it's best when it functions as 
social critique, whether consiously or unconsciously. As part of our unique 
festival vision, we have created the first political horror and sci-fi 
festival in the world, and added a documentary award for "The Truth is 
Scarier than Fiction."

But just because we care about the world doesn't mean we don't like to get 
good and scared, or intellectually challenged, so don't think your film will 
get overlooked if it doesn't have an overt political theme. Part of our 
mission is also to reward filmmakers who take risks and chances because 
these filmmakers are paving the way to the future.

If you have any articles, or would like to be a regular writer for our 
not-yet-existent e-Zine, please send us an email at: info @ 
festivalofhorror.com. (remove spaces)

We will accept
new or old writtings,
class papers,
music reviews
zine reviews
or anything somehow related to Horror, Sci-Fi or Fantasy, filmmaking, etc.

We are especially interested in filmmaker stories, how you got your movie 
made, how you didn't and are now a serial killer, etc.

to submit an article or suggest an article, go to: 
http://www.festivalofhorror.com/forums/viewforum.php?id=4   or email us at 
the email above.

We are also looking for Corporate Sponsors and advertisers to help us raise 
enough money to secure this year's location. If you are a horror film fan or 
related industry, this is a great way to get exposure and help a good cause. 
If you are interested in advertising, please visit: 

If you would like to talk to us about a corporate donor package, please 
contact us at:
info @ festivalofhorror.com  (remove the spaces)


     Advertising and Sponsorship of the 2005 the International Festival of 


Currently we are trying to find one or two $5,000 or greater sponsors to 
help us take the Festival of Horror to a new level. To donate via Paypal, 
visit this link 

You will receive this festival package plus anyting else we can give you. 
There is a corporate and individual package, please visit below for 
individual benefits.

Corporate Serial Killer Package ($5,000-$10,000)

Includes all the following:

    1 Year Priority 486x60 Banner
    Deluxe Thank you plaque to hang on wall
    4 VIP Platinum Passes
    10 free tickets vouchers to give to friends, or raffel off as prizes
    Corporate logo and web site in festival program, trailer, and web site.
    Corporate logo and web site in Post-festival "thank you" letters.
    Corporate logo and web site in Pre-festival "thank you" at the bottom of 
all graphic magazine print
        advertising, including ads for ticket sales and call for entries.
    Corporate logo or local business name and address in all graphic print 
        including magazines like Rue Morgue, MovieMaker, Fangoria, and 
    Corporate logo and web site, or local business and address in all 
                web sites
                pre-festival "thank you" letters
                post-festival "thank you" letters
                all local and national print advertising
                and any potential TV advertising.
                Individual Patrons ($5,000-$10,000)
                4 VIP Platinum Passes to the 2005 Festival of Horror
                4 ticket vouchers to give to friends
                4 T-Shirts and 4 Posters
                Invitations  to exclusive parties and special events
                Honerable mention in festival program, trailer, and web 
                Pre-Festival and Post-festival "thank you" notice posted in 
several industry magazines.

What would we like to do with your money?

There are many things we would like to do to increase the publicity and 
exposure of our filmmakers while at the same time developing a local 
artistic culturally aware  community and supporting local business. 
Cincinnati is one of the largest, undiscovered artist populations in the 

Here is our short wish-list:
    1.  Renting a theatrical venue.
    2. We would like to offer a nice cash and equipment prize package to 
         something that would allow them to start micro film studio.
    3.  DVD Compilation of the best films.
    4. We would like to purchase a larger ad campaign including radio and TV
    5. A central office to keep things more organized and efficient.

    A small full-time staff to work on bringing the best films and 
opportunities for filmmakers around the world.

Your donations will go to securing these oportunities for filmmakers and 
furthering the struggle of underground horror for worldwide acceptance.

             Fight the power!
              Donate NOW!
